


Footnotes listed here give examples of academic references. Full appendices, which contain synopses of articles and books, snips from web sites and URLs, are available as hypertext links on the CD Rom version of this document.

4 Caldwell, Brian J., and Spinks, Jim M. (1992) Leading The Self Managing School. London: Falmer Press.
Blase, Joseph and Anderson, Gary (1995) The Micropolitics of Educational Leadership. From Control To Empowerment. New York: Teachers College Press.

6. Sergiovanni, Thomas. ( 1994) Building Community in Schools. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

7 This is based on a model described on pp 16 -22 in Bigum, Chris and Green, Bill (1995) Managing Machines? Educational Administration and Information Technology. Geelong: Deakin University Press.

8.The notion of fields is drawn from the work of Bourdieu eg: Bourdieu, Pierre (1990) In Other Words. Essays Towards a Reflexive Sociology California: Stanford University Press.

9 Usher, Robin and Robin Edwards (1994) Postmodernism and Education. London: Routledge.

The Stolen Children Report: Australian Government 1997

11 Cox, E. (1995). A Truly Civil Society. The 1995 Boyer Lectures. Sydney, ABC Books.

12.Cazden, C.,B.Cope, et al. (1996) "A Pedagogy of Multi -Literacies: Designing Social Futures" Harvard Educational Review 66(1):363-376

13 Reich, R. (1991). The Work of Nations. A Blueprint for the Future. New York, Simon and Schuster.
Rifkin, J. (1996). The End of Work. the decline of the global labour force and the dawn of the post market era. New York, Putnam.

15. Rees, Stuart, Gordon Rodley and Frank Stillwell, (1994) Beyond the Market. Alternatives to Economic Rationalism.

16. Mission Australia, in Children in Poverty, Lost Expectations. (1997

17 Gee, James P, Glynda Hull and Colin Lankshear (1996) The New Work Order. Behind the Language of the New Capitalism. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.

18 Osborne, David and Ted Gaebler (1993) Reinventing Government. How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector. New York: Plume.

19 Caldwell, Brian and Jim Spinks (1992) Leading the Self Managing School. London: Falmer Press.

20 Handy, Charles (1995) The Empty Raincoat. Making Sense of the Future. Great Britain: Arrow Business Books.

23 Hargreaves, Andy (1994) Changing Teachers, Changing Times. Teacher's Work and Culture in the Post Modern Age. London: Falmer Press.

24 Telford, Helen (1996)Transforming Schools through Collaborative Leadership. London: Falmer Press.

25 Senge, Peter (1990) The Fifth Discipline. The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation. Sydney: Random House

26 Gregory, R G (1997) 'Job Creation: comparing Australia and the United States' in Work of the Future. Global Perspectives. Eds Paul James, Walter Veit and Steve Wright. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.

27 Speirings J and Spoehr, J Eds. 1996 Jobs for Young Australians. Adelaide: Social Justice Research Foundation.

28 Caldwell, Brian (1993) Decentralising the Management of Australia's Schools. Melbourne: National Industry Education Forum.
Beare, Hedley and William Lowe (1993) Restructuring Schools: An International Perspectives on the Movement

31 Hill, Paul T, Lawrence Pierce and James Guthrie (1997) Reinventing Public Education. How Contracting Can Transform America's Schools. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

33 Middleton, S., Codd, J., & Jones, A. (1990) New Zealand Education Policy Today : critical perspectives, Wellington, Allen and Unwin

34 Whitty, Geoff (1997) Creating quasi markets in education: review of recent research on parental choice and school autonomy in three countries. Review of Research in Education 22.

35 Chapman, Judith and David Aspin (1997) 'Autonomy and mutuality: Quality education and self - managing schools' in Restructuring and Quality. Issues for Tomorrow's Schools Ed Tony Townsend. London: Routledge.

36 Reid, Alan Ed. (1998) Going Public. Education Policy and Public Education in Australia. Canberra: Australian Curriculum Studies Association.

38 Wasley, Patricia (1996) Stirring the Chalkdust. Tales of Teachers Changing Classroom Practice. New York: Teachers College Press.

39 Fullan, Michael (1996) Turning Systemic Thinking On Its Head. Kappan February p420 -423.

43 Considine, Mark and Painter, Martin Eds,(1997) Managerialism. The Great Debate. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

46 Brady, Laurie (1996) Incorporating Outcomes into Teaching Practice: Learning from Literature. Curriculum Perspectives. Vol 16 No 3. P25 - 33

48 Stillwell, Frank (1994) Economic Inequality. Who gets what in Australia, Sydney: Pluto Press.

49 Hargreaves, Andy (1997) Rethinking Educational Change: Going Deeper and Wider in the Quest for Success in Rethinking Educational Change with Heart and Mind The 1997 ASCD Yearbook Alexandria VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Commissioned Paper.
South Australian Secondary Principals Association.
March 1998.

[ About this paper ] [ Executive Summary ] [ The Role of the Principal ]
[ Changes in Society ] [ Changes in Australian Government Policies ]
[Implications for the Work of Principals ] [ The Paradox of Policy and Pay ]
[ Footnotes ]