Pat Thomson

About this document

This document has been written as a hyper - text . While the main text can be read straight through as one document, there are also underlined links which go to supporting information, arguments or papers. In printed form, the links appear as numbers which refer to brief footnotes.

The document is written to support Enterprise Agreement negotiations between the Australian Education Union (SA), the South Australian Secondary Principals Association and the Department of Education, Training and Employment. It provides a framework for discussing how the processes of social and educational change now affect, and will continue to influence, the Principal's work. It also provides the basis for discussions about whether current school policy and reforms will meet the needs and aspirations of South Australian school communities.


There are seven sections to the document:

Executive Summary

Part A: The Role of the Principal.

Part B: Changes in Society

Part C: Changes in Australian Government Policies

Part D: Implications for the Work of Principals.

Part E: The Paradox of Policy and Pay.



Parts A, B and C are analytical and lay the groundwork for Parts D and E, which are strategic and oriented towards action. If you wish to read only the section that is most closely related to Enterprise Agreement negotiations go straight to Section D.

This document addresses only the work of the Principal. The ultimate systemic responsibility for the operations of the school belongs to the Principal. Much of this work is shared by Deputy and Assistant Principals but the shape of their jobs is largely determined by the role designated as the Principal's. The implications of this document for the work of other members of the leadership team needs further discussion by the members of SASPA as part of the Enterprise Agreement process.

There are no recommendations in this document. It is the prerogative of the commissioning organisation, SASPA, to decide what elements of this document are pertinent to industrial negotiations, to policy and professional development.

Commissioned Paper.
South Australian Secondary Principals Association.
March 1998.